By Novagrace Carganillo Health and Wellness Posted 8 months ago 1.13K views


Excess belly fat can harm your health and contribute to a number of chronic illnesses.

Visceral fat, a form of abdominal fat, is a key risk factor for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other illnesses.

Though losing fat in this area can be challenging, there are various things you can do to reduce excess abdominal fat.


1.Consume plenty of soluble fiber.

Soluble fiber absorbs water and creates a gel, slowing food as it moves through your digestive system.

According to studies, this fiber may help you lose weight by making you feel full, causing you to eat less.

Soluble fiber-rich foods include: fruits, vegetables, legumes, oats, barley


2.Trans fat-containing foods should be avoided.

Trans fats are made by injecting hydrogen into unsaturated fats like soybean oil.

They were once found in several margarines and spreads and were frequently added to packaged goods, but most food manufacturers have discontinued using them.

To aid in the reduction of belly fat, carefully read ingredient labels and avoid items containing trans fats. These are sometimes referred to as partially hydrogenated fats.


3.Limit your alcohol consumption.

Alcohol has some health benefits in modest amounts, but it can be detrimental if used in excess.

According to research, drinking too much alcohol can contribute to belly fat.

Limiting your alcohol consumption may help you lose weight. You don't have to entirely give it up, but limiting how much you drink in a single day can help.


4.Consume a high protein diet.

An essential nutrient for controlling weight is protein.

High protein intake boosts the production of the hormone peptide YY that promotes fullness and suppresses hunger.

Numerous observational studies reveal that those who consume more protein have lower rates of belly fat than those who consume less protein.

Ensure that each meal include a quality protein source, such as:meat, fish, eggs, dairy, whey  protein , beans


5.Reduce your level of stress.

Stress causes belly fat accumulation by causing the adrenal glands to generate cortisol, often known as the stress hormone.

According to research, elevated cortisol levels enhance appetite and promote belly fat storage.

Engage in stress-relieving activities to assist you lose tummy fat. Yoga and meditation can be beneficial.


6.Limit your intake of sugary foods.

Sugar contains fructose, which has been related to a number of chronic disorders when taken in large quantities.

Observational studies suggest a link between excessive sugar consumption and increased belly fat.


7.Exercise aerobically (cardio)

Aerobic exercise (cardio) is an efficient approach to improve your health and burn calories.

According to research, it can also be an effective kind of exercise for losing abdominal fat. However, the research on whether moderate or high intensity exercise is more beneficial is conflicting.


8.Reduce your carbs intake, particularly refined carbs.

Reducing your carbohydrate intake can be quite useful for shedding fat, even abdominal fat.

In fact, low carb diets may result in belly fat loss in individuals who are overweight, at risk of type 2 diabetes, or have polycystic ovarian syndrome. (PCOS)

You are not required to follow a rigorous low carb diet. According to some study, replacing refined carbohydrates with unprocessed starchy carbohydrates may enhance metabolic health and reduce belly fat.


9.Limit your intake of sugary beverages.

Sugar-sweetened beverages are heavy in added sugars like fructose, which can contribute to belly obesity.

Furthermore, because your brain does not handle liquid calories the same way it does solid calories, you are more likely to consume too many calories later on and store them as fat.

To lose belly fat, limit your intake of sugar-sweetened beverages such as: soda, punch, sweet tea, sugary alcohol mixers


10.Get a lot of quality sleep.

Sleep is essential for several areas of your health, including your weight. According to research, not getting enough sleep may raise the risk of obesity and belly fat in some people.

Sleep apnea, a disorder in which breathing stops intermittently during the night, has also been linked to extra visceral fat.

Make sure you get enough quality sleep in addition to sleeping at least 7 hours per night.


11.Consume probiotic foods or take a probiotic supplement.

Probiotics are bacteria that can be found in certain meals and supplements. They may provide health benefits such as improving gut health and immunological function.

Researchers discovered that several types of bacteria have a role in weight management and that having the appropriate balance can aid in weight loss, particularly belly fat loss.

Lactobacillus strains that have been reported to reduce belly fat include Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus amylovorus, and Lactobacillus gasseri.


12.Take intermittent fasting into consideration.

Recent years have seen a surge in interest in intermittent fasting as a weight loss strategy.

This eating pattern alternates between eating and fasting intervals.

One well-liked technique involves fasting for 24 hours once or twice a week. Another involves consuming all you eat in a single 8-hour window after 16 hours of daily fasting.

According to one study, protein pacing, which is eating nutrient-dense meals at regular intervals throughout the day, combined with intermittent fasting led to higher losses in body weight, total fat, and visceral fat than calorie restriction.